Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Paintball Sketch Progress 2

After making the past 2 sketches and hearing feed back on them I decided to use a soldier as paintball is a very war like sport. I had been looking at stencils as a way to show the soldier without just pasting a soldier on the page. I started sketching and moved on to the computer. I made one stencil but the helmet was not a full shape so it was hard to see that it was a helmet. I made a second stencil shape in Illustrator and added a gradient of black to see how the filled in areas looked. Although the assignment is primarily black and white for now I could not help myself to see how it looked in color. I made 2 in color, one with smaller dots and the second with bigger dots. (after looking for the files to post I noticed i saved over the black and white image) I still have work to do with the colors as I chose these to see how it looked. I still want to do the title in dots as a continuation of the soldier. The only problem I see (which is always one of my problems) is placing the body text as i dont want the image to be the dominate part of the poster.

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