Thursday, December 9, 2010

Starbucks Annual Report Road to FInal Product

I have inked my sketches because when i first scanned them they came out white with very little red. i do them in red lead so that i can ink drawings later. THe reason for the color in some of my layout sketches and other thumbnails I have done is because I am dyslexic and ADHD. my eyes have a hard time resting on black text so instead of using black ink I write in blue. So i tend to use colors in sketches so I can see the difference in layers or when I come back to that idea so that I can more clearly see it. Here are my sketches and layouts to the final product.



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Other Non Successful Grids

I made these but after I decided to use a brown paper I knew that this design was not Starbucks. If the company was different then maybe but like the class said they are to bulky and I should have fuse better placer colors.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Grid Structure Throw Aways

I have been having trouble with finding a grid that works well with the information and voice of my annual report these are some of the few that I have gone through along the way. They are very static and not interesting at all to me and I have just been making new ones as they fall apart. I have my voice of contribution, giving back, and helping out the community as the theme for this annual.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Grid Structure

I made these grids but they are the same on both sides which is not interesting and would lose an audience right away from the lack of attention grabbing structure. I am having trouble coming up with a flexible grid structure. I havent used grids in a long time and at that it was very little. I usually just go at it and throw out guidelines and go from there but I am trying to come up with something that works for the entire annual. Something that can be easily adapted to the next spread

Monday, October 11, 2010

Trying Type Solutions for CMYK Soldier

I tried angling and cropping the picture of the soldier for a more interesting look but the use of the tri colors and the typ on top seemed like way too much. I tried to cut half of the soldiers face and replace it with type but it still looks too busy

Sunday, October 10, 2010

CMYK Soldier Ideas

I have been looking at different type solutions for this poster. I found some possible solutions for this.

(having trouble adding images)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

CMYK Print Result

After printing the image out i decided that the circles look like they are too close together. I am going to try to figure out a way to put more space between the circles. I am also going to add some more to his chest to allow me to blend the image into the title

CMYK Soldier Attempt 1

Since I my original plan was to make a CMYK dotted image I decided to go ahead and try to make it now so that I can fine tune it for use in my poster. I used a bigger pixel size for the circles as the smaller pixels seem to get lost with distance. I am going to try to make a picture with a 30 pixel circle pattern and see how that looks compared to the 20 pixel circle.

Paintball Sketch Progress 3

In this picture I wanted to play with the size of the dots. I will be making the soldier out of 3 layers that I will make semi-transparent using the CMYK colors. Each layer will be moved over a little bit so that the layers over lap each other but not completely over each other

Paintball Sketch Progress 2

After making the past 2 sketches and hearing feed back on them I decided to use a soldier as paintball is a very war like sport. I had been looking at stencils as a way to show the soldier without just pasting a soldier on the page. I started sketching and moved on to the computer. I made one stencil but the helmet was not a full shape so it was hard to see that it was a helmet. I made a second stencil shape in Illustrator and added a gradient of black to see how the filled in areas looked. Although the assignment is primarily black and white for now I could not help myself to see how it looked in color. I made 2 in color, one with smaller dots and the second with bigger dots. (after looking for the files to post I noticed i saved over the black and white image) I still have work to do with the colors as I chose these to see how it looked. I still want to do the title in dots as a continuation of the soldier. The only problem I see (which is always one of my problems) is placing the body text as i dont want the image to be the dominate part of the poster.

Paintball Sketch Progress

I created these two sketches in hopes of finding a solution to the dot and type problem I was facing. I also have been researching how to make the dot pattern for my poster. In the first sketch I was playing with type made of dots to see how it would read. I went big which was too big for what I needed as it dominated the layout. In the second sketch I used a photo from a friend who is a make up artist. We were joking around about paintball scenario of capture the flag gone wrong. The players have taken hostages. After this I decided to use the photo even though it had tape over the mouth, but something good came from this as i got to see how the dot pattern flowed into a dotted title. I want to use the blending of the photo into the title for my final poster

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Paintball Ideas Continued

Now that I am playing with the idea of paint balls and the mark they make, I have started to also think of printer pixels or spots using the tri-colors in the cartridge. This poster seems to give off that type of feel.

Paintball Idea Insperations

The concept of paint by number is something that i wanted to play with but maybe paint by letters instead would be a good idea to play off of. I ran into a website called where they have portraits made up entirely of push pins. This again reminds me of Chuck Close, but Chuck Close further from paint by number than can be imagined.

This sculpture was made of 3000 full size soccer balls to make this floating sculpture of a soccer player kicking a soccer ball

Information Design Ideas

My first idea for this poster was to use a paintball gun. The gun consist of a barrel, hopper, body, trigger, and CO2 tank. There's a hose that goes from the tank through the body behind the trigger supplying the pressure to launch the paintball out of the barrel at a high pressure to ensure that the paintball will burst on impact which creates a distinct splatter.

A painter choosing his weapon of choice, a brush or a paintball gun. or a house painter using a paintball gun instead of a regular paint gun. Maybe a paint by number type of art. Chuck Close comes to mind when I think of this.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spiral Progression 3

I finally just went back to the original drawing and found the solution for all the problems I had been facing. Instead of going off in a different direction looking for other possible solutions, I worked the original design until I got the final poster. These are some print outs on the way to the final product. There are still some minor tweaking in fixing the meeting point. I used the paint brush tool but you could see the strokes on a small print so I didn't go with it because on a full size print it would really be noticeable.

Spiral Progression 2

I came up with these designs while trying to figure out the spiral as a graph and the issue of body copy. In the first one I tried to use the spiral as the bar graph it self leading to text. In the second one I took the characteristics of the original spiral and cut it down and put it back together. Making these has helped me get more of a feel for Illustrator.